
By jgm45, 18 August, 2022

Please note: this site is for Professor Mezey's Quantitative Genomics Class.  For more information on Professor Mezey, please see his Cornell Departmental profile and his Research Site.

For two decades, Professor Mezey taught the course Quantitative Genomics and Genetics, offered simultaneously at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) and Weill Cornell Medicine (New York, New York).  The course provides a rigorous treatment of analysis techniques used to understand complex genetic systems, including both the fundamentals and advances in statistical methodology used to identify genetic loci impacting disease, agriculturally relevant, and evolutionarily important phenotypes.  Full course availability is restricted to students at Cornell University, Cornell Tech, Weill Cornell Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Rockefeller University where over a thousand students among these institutions have taken the course.  While access to the full course is limited, the lecture slide decks and videos for Spring 2024 - the last time the course was offered by Dr. Mezey - are made available here under the following conditions of use: no person or entity is allowed to use these course material - or anything derived from course materials - for any for-profit purposes, directly or indirectly. Please contact the Department of Computational Biology at Cornell University for any additional information.

Quantitative Genomics and Genetics - Spring 2024

Lecture 1 (Jan 23) - Logistics / Intro to Quant Gen



Lecture 2 (Jan 25) - Probability Basics



Lecture 3 (Jan 30) - Conditional Probability / Random Variables



Lecture 4 (Feb 1) - Random Vectors



Lecture 5 (Feb 6) - Expectations and Variances



Lecture 6 (Feb 8) - Covariances / Probability Models



Lecture 7 (Feb 13) - Samples



Lecture 8 (Feb 15) - Statistics / Estimators

Lecture 8 (Feb 15) - whiteboard



Lecture 9 (Feb 20) - Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Lecture 9 (Feb 20) - whiteboard



Lecture 10 (Feb 22) - MLE / CI



Lecture 11 (Feb 29) - Hypothesis Testing 1

Lecture 11 (Feb 29) - whiteboard



Lecture 12 (March 5) - Hypothesis Testing 2



Lecture 13 (March 7) - Genetic Probability Model

Lecture 13 (March 7) - whiteboard



Lecture 14 (March 12) - Genetic Inference



Lecture 15 (March 14) - Genetic Hypothesis Testing



Lecture 16 (March 19) - Introduction to GWAS



Lecture 17 (March 21) - GWAS Analysis



Lecture 18 (March 26) - GWAS Statistical Issues



Lecture 19 (March 28) - Covariates / QQ Plots



Lecture 20 (April 9) - Population Structure



Lecture 21 (April 11) - Minimal GWAS



Lecture 22 (April 16) - Logistic Regression 1

Lecture 22 (April 16) - whiteboard



Lecture 23 (April 18) - Logistic Regression 2



Lecture 24 (April 23) - Logistic Regression 3



Lecture 25 (April 25) - Mixed Models



Lecture 26 (April 30) - Bayesian Statistics 1



Lecture 27 (May 2) - Bayesian Statistics 2



Lecture 28 (May 7) - Classic Quantitative Genetics













End QuantGen 2024
